Throughout my journey, I have learned that taking the road that is well traveled is not usually the best approach to anything.

Chris Myers, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing and Business Analytics

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Marketing and Business Analytics
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Marketing and Business Analytics

A Conversation with Dr. Myers

What is your proudest accomplishment?

There have been many highlights of my life. The greatest impact on my life was participating in the Quality Texas Foundation for over 22 years. Through their program and similar programs, I’ve had the opportunity to assist with program development and product improvements at Karlee Corporation. This small company was on its way to year-over-year quality improvement; however, during my tenure, we significantly improved the development and tracking of performance and quality reviews. It lead to winning the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) in 1998 and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1999.

What has been your most notable experience in the military?

My most notable experience was being in combat in late 2001, supporting the troops on the ground and flying ‘dropping iron.’ There is probably no better feeling than when someone comes on the mic and tells you, ‘Thank you! I wasn't able to get away from the Taliban fast enough. Your bombs were on target.’”

What honors/awards did you receive during your military service?

I received the following awards: Meritorious Service Medal (MSM), Air Medal, AF Combat Action Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal.

How has your military experience benefited your career at East Texas A&M?

There's probably no category of adversity that a student goes through that I haven't seen or been a part of, both in school and in the military. I've done all-nighters for school and for work. I’ve had friends pass away suddenly. I’ve missed family and friends and was too far away to get in a car and drive. I’ve been too tired to study because of work and family. I’ve had to take difficult classes/training and have had to study extra hard. I’ve grappled with making decisions (sometimes the easy way is not the best). Throughout my journey, I have learned that taking the road that is well traveled is not usually the best approach to anything.

What advice do you have for military veterans transitioning into college life, specifically at East Texas A&M?

Start communicating with faculty, advisers, and the staff as soon as you can. East Texas A&M has an extremely large number of helpful staff.  Academic life is the easiest you will ever have it, so it is important to take advantage of the opportunity to develop a second expertise.  The military instills self-discipline and requires self-motivation. Academics requires the same.  You will truly only get out of it what you put into it.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Management Science (Marketing), University of Texas at Dallas, 1999
  • M.S., Administrative Science (Marketing), University of Texas at Dallas, 1998
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, United States Air Force Academy, 1984

Academic Positions

  • Professor of Marketing, East Texas A&M, 2014 – Present
  • Associate Professor of Marketing, A&M-Commerce( now East Texas A&M), 2007 – 2014
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing, A&M-Commerce( now East Texas A&M), 2000-2007

Awards and Honors

  • Administer of the Year, Ray and Patricia Keck Education Awards, A&M-Commerce( now East Texas A&M) , 2017
  • Professor of the Year, Dan and Jalinna Jones Education Awards, A&M-Commerce( now East Texas A&M), 2016
  • Frank Ashley Integrity in Education, A&M-Commerce( now East Texas A&M), 2015


  • Myers, C.A. and Shi, Y., “Customer Migration and Channel Management Strategies in Omni-channel Retailers.” 2019, Journal of Business Research.
  • Han, B. and Myers, C.A., “Perceptions of Overuse, Underuse, and Change of Use of a Social Media Site: Definition, Measurement Instrument, and Their Managerial Impacts.” 2018, Behavior & Information Technology, 37(3), 247-257.
  • Myers, C.A. and Long, Zhang, “Exploring the Underlying Relationships between Crisis Management (CM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).” 2011, Journal of International Management Studies, Vol. Issue 3.
  • Myers, Chris A., Scott Sewell, and Sonia Taneja, “Understanding Student Self-Perceptions of their Online Experiences with the Demands of Online Courses.” 2009, Business Research Yearbook, Vol. 10.

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